Entries by admin

What is juvenile psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis usually occurs in people who already have psoriasis. People with psoriatic arthritis experience symptoms of both the skin condition and arthritis. When children and adolescents develop the condition, doctors diagnose them with juvenile psoriatic arthritis (JPsA). Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune disorder. Medical experts believe that it develops when the immune system […]

Neck Pain & Causes

Neck pain It is common for people to experience pain in the right side of the neck. In most cases, the pain occurs due to a muscle strain or another benign cause. People can often treat their pain using home remedies and medications. However, for severe or prolonged neck pain, it is best to see […]

12 natural cough remedies tips 

Coughs play a role in clearing irritants and infections from the body, but persistent coughing can be annoying. The best treatment for a cough will depend on its underlying cause. There are many possible causes of coughs, including allergies, infections, and acid reflux. Some natural remedies may help to relieve a cough. However, it is […]

Symptoms of heart disease in men

Heart disease is one of the most common health problems that men face. By knowing some of the signs and symptoms of heart disease, they may be able to reduce their risk of developing serious complications, such as a heart attack. Heart disease is a term referring to a range of heart health issues. These […]

9 Home remedies for Shingles

When adults have extremely itchy or painful lesions across their torso or face, the diagnosis may be shingles. It is essential that people with this condition visit a doctor for treatment, but some home remedies can help to relieve symptoms. In the United States, there are up to one million estimated cases of shingles every […]

Know Your Brain, Right and Left Brain.

7 things you didn’t know about your brain The brain — the central “control unit” of our bodies, repository of memories and emotions. Throughout history, philosophers have believed that the brain may even house that intangible essence that makes us human: the soul. What should we know about our brains? The main organ of the […]

QI deficiency explained in traditional Chinese medicine

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), qi is the vital energy that circulates through the body at all times. Practitioners believe that a qi deficiency is linked to the spleen and that rest and eating certain foods can treat the imbalance. The concepts of TCM are not based in modern science but have their roots […]

10 home remedies for wheezing

Wheezing is a common symptom of various respiratory disorders that cause tightening in the throat. There are several ways a person can stop their wheezing at home without using an inhaler, but these will depend on the cause. Wheezing happens when the airways are tightened, blocked, or inflamed, making a person’s breathing sound like whistling […]

Allergic Reaction and Treatments

  Treating allergic reactions Allergies are a common cause of illness and can occur at any stage in someone’s life. Numerous different things cause allergies from pollen to food to medication, meaning it is not always easy to know the best treatments or home remedies. What is an allergic reaction? Many people have allergies, which […]

Learn more about diastole and systole in your blood pressure

The terms diastole and systole refer to when the heart muscles relax and contract. The balance between diastole and systole determines a person’s blood pressure. The heart is a pump that supplies all tissues and organs of the body with oxygen-rich blood. The heartbeat is caused by the heart muscles relaxing and contracting. During this […]